Urgent Appeal by U.S. Catholic Bishops – Please Contact Your Representatives by Aug. 7 to Protect Our Common Home

You can make a difference in this critical time in human history…without leaving home and in less than 5 minutes!  The U.S. Catholic Bishops are encouraging all Catholics to contact their representatives BY AUGUST 7 to show support for the proposed climate investments to take steps toward protecting our food supply; making all communities more resilient to floods, fires & extreme weather; ensuring a just transition for fossil fuel workers, and innovating new and emerging clean energy technologies through tax credits, and research and development funding. Investments today will determine the range of options, economic outcomes, and the well-being of human life and all of God’s creation for years to come.

Pope Francis reminds us to ask ourselves, “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” (Laudato si’, no. 160). The US Bishops have prepared this link to easily contact your legislative representative: www.votervoice.net/USCCB/Campaigns/95276/Respond