Worship Guidelines

Please read the following guidelines, which outlines the changes we’ve made to keep you safe while worshipping at Mass with us.

If you are not donating to the church electronically yet through Faith Direct, we ask that you drop your offering in one of the baskets conveniently located in the narthex when you enter the church. There will be no passing of the baskets for the offertory collection during Mass.

Only the front entrance to the church (the narthex) is open to allow entry.

You will be directed to your seats and please sit where you’re “assigned.” Rest rooms are available should you need them.

Masks are required to be worn for the entire Mass.

For health reasons, we cannot allow any food or beverages to be consumed (by you or your children) while you are in the church.

When receiving Communion, please keep your mask on when the host is placed in your hands by the priest or eucharistic minister. After you receive the host, you may step to the side (keeping social distancing in mind) and adjust your mask for a brief moment to put the host in your mouth.

Immediately following each mass, the church will be disinfected.